
Minister Steenhuisen’s Pledge to the Agriculture Master Plan: What You Need to Know

“I’m dedicating all my energy to fulfil an inclusive and prosperous agriculture sector, “said minister of Agriculture John Steenhuisen while delivering his first budget and policy speech to the National Assembly on July 16.

Steenhuisen called the agricultural and agro-processing master plan (AAMP), adopted in 2022, a framework upon which the inclusive growth of the agricultural sector is premised.

He said the AAMP’s adoption process has enjoyed broad sectoral support and wishes to make it clear that he has no intention of reinventing the wheel.

“Instead the focus will rather be on accelerating implementation of the objectives of the AAMP and ensuring that my department upholds its commitments contained in the plan,” said the minister.

He said the sector plan he commits to drive is built on several key pillars designed to promote sustainable growth and inclusivity in the agricultural sector.

These pillars, said the minister, emphasise inclusive growth and employment creation, particularly for rural communities, while enhancing market access and trade for agricultural products both domestically and internationally.

He said the plan focuses on developing robust value chains for key commodities and promoting sustainable agricultural practices to enhance climate resilience and increase yields.

“Additionally, prioritizing innovation, research, and development to drive technological advancement and best practices within the sector will be a focal area.

“To support these objectives, the plan also aims to improve agricultural infrastructure and logistics, create a conducive policy and regulatory environment, and facilitate access to finance and investment through public-private partnerships,” he said.

The minister went on to mention human capital development as another critical pillar, focusing on education, skills training, and capacity building, with an emphasis on youth and women’s participation in agriculture.

He said that collectively, these pillars form a comprehensive framework to drive the inclusive and sustainable growth of our sector.

The minister said this sector plan is anchored on a commodity value chain approach, and the Value Chain Round Tables and Transformation Scheme have been established, reporting to the AAMP Oversight Executive Committee that he will chair.

“The institutional setup that was established when coordinating and negotiating this social compact is in place and remains a vehicle for any collaborative work aimed at delivering the objectives of an inclusive and prosperous agricultural sector, which I am dedicating all my energy to fulfill.

“In my view, a ‘sectoral economic framework’ designed for collaborative efforts brings efficiency and transparency in the implementation and provides common goals and indicators of success,” said the minister.

Steenhuisen said the collaborative approach needed involves leveraging the skills, resources, and knowledge already available in the private sector, industry, and agribusiness to work hand in hand with the government.

“Through the leadership of my predecessor, who established very close and mutually beneficial relations with the industry, I believe we are on the right pathway in this regard. My immediate task is to build on the solid foundation former Minister established and take the process to its natural conclusion.

“I am a firm believer in the importance of the co-existence of small and large farmers and agribusiness.The AAMP shares these very same principles and makes my job easier. I will drive change management in the institutionalisation of interventions in government and industry programmes and initiatives that will foster the inclusive growth of this sector. When agriculture economists report on the foreign earnings based on export volumes, we must be able to show a greater share of market access for small farmers in this regard. For me, that will be the definition of inclusive growth.”

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