Africa Talk

CCARDESA hosts regional Joint APPSA Review and Planning Workshop with Angola and Lesotho

The Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA) is hosting a regional joint planning workshop for the Agricultural Productivity Programme for Southern Africa (APPSA) with Angola and Lesotho, from November 29 to December 3, in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The workshop, which is also aimed at facilitating the adoption of a result-based planning approach, is honoured by the participation of APPSA original countries, namely Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia.

This workshop takes place following on the recommendation from the latest World Bank Implementation Support Mission (ISM) which enforced the critical potential contribution of original APPSA countries and the need for them to be involved in the planning process as well.

“The participation of the original APPSA countries throughout in the review and planning workshop is instrumental as they have gone through most of what we are currently pursuing, and as such they have relevant experience and/or wisdom to share with the rest of us,” said Dr Majola Mabuza, APPSA Regional Coordinator during his opening remarks.

APPSA is a six-year regional World Bank funded initiative based on collaboration between two or more countries. A regional review and planning become pivotal for a harmonized implementation of project activities.

In about six months from now, APPSA will undergo a mid-term review after 3 years of implementation. Therefore, implementing countries are requested to adjust their workplans and budgets towards the completion of outstanding interventions which may directly contribute to improve the project performance.

APPSA Project Development Objective (PDO) is to increase the availability of improved agricultural technologies in participating countries in the SADC region. The PDO is assessed through specific indicators and targets based on the regional Results Framework.

The PDO indicators are  the number of technologies that are being made available to farmers and other end users, the percentage of Lead Farmers in targeted areas who are aware and adopt an improved technology promoted by the Project, the number of technologies generated or promoted by the Project in one participating country that are released in another participating country, and the direct Project beneficiaries (number) of which female (percentage); and (v) Farmers reached with agricultural assets or services.

Besides the review and planning meeting, on Wednesday, December 1, the workshop will focus on policy harmonization and strategic partnerships. Thursday, the 2nd of December, will be dedicated to review and endorsement of R&D concept notes and, finally on Friday there will be thematic discussions by M&E and Communication Working groups.

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