- “The 2021 wine grape crop is estimated at 1 461 599 tonnes, according to the latest estimate of industry body SAWIS (South African Wine Industry Information & Systems) on 19 May 2021. It is 8.9% larger than the 2020 harvest” – Vinpro
- “Sugar production in South Africa is expected to rise by 4.5% p.a. to 2027 due to sustained surge in production capacity at both the field and processing levels, principally in Sub-Saharan lands” – Intrado Global NewsWire
- “The official unemployment rate for the first quarter in 2021 further deteriorated to 32.6%. Total agricultural jobs are currently sitting at 792 000, 8% lower than the first quarter of 2020” – BFAP
“Beef: Weaner calf prices eased marginally last week on limited uptake and seasonal supply pressures from the recent weaning. The average weekly weaner calf prices are still 39% ahead of the same week in 2020 at R38.46/kg live weight.
Pork: The current pork and bacon prices are however still sharply higher by 48% and 45% respectively relative to the same week in 2020 and are 33% and 39% above the 3-year average for the first time this year.
Sheep: The current class A lamb and mutton prices still up by 12% and 27% respectively relative to last year and are both almost 15% and 19% above the 3-year average for the first time this year” – Paul Makube, FNB Agri Weekly
“Total Export estimate of pears up 6% and apples 5% compared to 2020. Pears passed for export YTD Week 19 up by 8% compared to the previous season. Apples passed for export YTD week 19 up 23% compared to the 2020 season” – Nina Viljoen, Hortgro
“The summer crop harvest season is well underway and according to the Crop Estimates Committee’s 4th production estimate, the expected soybean crop is 1.9 million tons, which is set to be the highest on record. The soybean producers have responded to the high demand in crushing capacity, with soybean area increasing by 64.4% since 2016/17 and it is expected to continue to increase firmly over the next few years. The demand for locally produced soybeans has also grown by about 48% in the same period, with an average annual consumption of about 1.2 million tons, most of which is crushed for oil and cake” – Itumeleng Maluleke, Grain SA