
Strategic partnership between SATI and Western Cape department of agriculture increase exports to China

Over the past two weeks, Western Cape table grapes producers have been harvesting table grapes. These are to be marketed under the South African Table Grape Industry’s (SATI’s) China Market Development Campaign in March 2021.

The campaign is a strategic partnership between the table grape industry and the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) and aims to increase market access for table grape producers.

Minister Meyer: “One of my Ministerial priorities is market access. The strategic partnership with SATI is aligned to this. The aim is to increase exports of Western Cape agricultural produce by 5% over the next five years.” 

SATI’s Communication Manager, Clayton Swart says that they are looking forward to promoting South African table grapes.

Clayton: “We are excited. SATI plans a major marketing campaign in China in March 2021, targeting China’s wholesale and retail markets. SATI’s Transformation Unit has also worked hard to prepare table grape producers to participate in the China Campaign.”

One such exporter, supported by both the WCDoA and SATI, is Warren Bam who farms in Saron.  Bam produces organic table grapes which he exports to the United Kingdom, European Union and North America. Now he will be able to expand into the China Market.

During a recent visit to another exporter, Robin Johnson, Minister Meyer highlighted the vital role that the export market plays in the Western Cape’s economic recovery.

Minister Meyer: “The table grape industry which employs 40 000 people is an essential sub-sector of the Western Cape’s agricultural economy. Growing the export market is inextricably linked to economic recovery in the Western Cape.”

Meyer continues: “The WCDoA has partnered with SATI to increase exports estimated at 15 750 tonnes in the 2020/21 season.”

“Growing the export market by five per cent (5%) over the next five years will create 19 000 jobs,” concludes Meyer.

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