
NERPO mourns death of its longest serving chairperson, Paradise Mahlangu

The National Emergent Redmeat Producers Organisation (NERPO) mourns the death of one of its longest serving Chairpersons, Dingane Paradise Mahlangu, who passed away on 1 December 1 following a long illness.

Mr Aggrey Mahanjana, Group Managing Director of NERPO said the death of Bishop Paradise Mahlangu has left him cold and no words can describe the loss of “this colourful character who was admired and loved by the farming community”.

Bishop, as he was affectionately known, served as NERPO Chairperson from the beginning of 2013 until 2020, where he ultimately met his untimely death.

He was instrumental in shaping NERPO’s 10-year vision which was dubbed, “The Beginning of The Second Lap,” with main focus of taking NERPO back to its grassroots level, in the form of districts level. 

In describing the 10-year plan, the late Chairperson of NERPO, said, “over the past 22 years of NERPO, our focus was mainly on advocacy and lobbying for policy proposals that are bias to small holder farmers, now, the new focus, will be on input and market mobilisation for the black livestock farmers”.

Mahanjana said: “Paradise is gone out of our sight, but he will forever live in our hearts and the farming community will continue to represent his ever-lasting legacy.”

Mahlangu’s Funeral arrangements will be announced soon.

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