Fresh Produce Markets
“Strong month end demand coupled with constraint seasonal supplies of some commodities helped lift prices in the fruit complex. The biggest weekly gainers were mangoes and grapes with weekly increases of 74.6% and 27.5% respectively week on-week (w/w) at R13.83/ kg and R54.04/ kg. At these levels, mangoes and grapes are 3.1% and 25.2% higher relative to the same week in 2019 as reflected in figure A.
In the case of vegetables, weekly losses were extended to the month end period with tomatoes posting the biggest decline of 17.5% w/w and 4.9% year-on-year (y/y) at R5.91/ kg. They were followed closely by butternuts and onions with weekly decreases of 14% and 10% respectively w/w at R4.31/ kg and R3.88/ kg. Lettuce and carrots were however the exception, finishing last week up 52.1% and 17% respectively w/w at R8.81/ kg and R3.29/ kg” – Paul Makube, senior agricultural economist, FNB.
“The local maize market lost support on Friday over some contracts and closed weaker on the majority of currently listed contracts. The white maize market traded R1 / ton higher for delivery in December 2020 for the day to close at R3 370 / ton. The yellow maize market traded R23 / ton higher for delivery in December 2020 to close at R3 361 / ton.
The local soybean market traded stronger on Friday and found support to close higher over all contracts for the day. The local soybean market traded for delivery in December 2020, R14 / ton higher for the day to close at R8 714 / ton.
The local wheat market traded mostly sideways on Friday and experienced small price changes for the day over all contracts currently listed. The local wheat market traded for delivery in December 2020, R2 / ton higher to close at R5 015 / ton: Ikageng Maluleke, grains economist, Grains SA.
Citrus exports
“The actual volume packed was a million cartons above the original estimate – or 7% higher than the March estimate. Since the record crop of 2018, grapefruit has shown a decline to present levels, with 2020 being 11% less than 2018, and 3% less than last year. Grapefruit distribution in 2020 mirrored that of 2019 – Europe taking 44%; Asia 33%; Russia 10% and UK and North America both 5%.” – John Edmonds, information manager, Citrus Growers Association