The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union [NEHAWU] says it has scored major victories for its members and workers in the Legislative Sector and at the Agricultural Research Council [ARC].
At Agricultural Research Council [ARC] the national union said it has won two victories for members, one being the saving of 1000 jobs that the employer wanted to retrench.
According to NEHAWU, the parties had four consultation sessions under the auspices of the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration [CCMA], which resulted into the employer reversing the notice for retrenchment and parties agreeing on establishing a Task Team that would focus on saving the institution and coming up with possible alternatives that can see the institution playing its role in the agricultural sector.
“The National Union has further reached an agreement with the employer through a CCMA mediation process that marks an end to the slave wages that the ARC have been paying to the former casual workers. The process agreement has resulted in a 100% increase to the wages of these vulnerable workers which the institution has already started to correct and pay accordingly.”
NEHAWU said it will continue to fight for the improvement of salaries and working conditions of its members and workers in general.
“Our members can be rest assured that they have a fighting union on their side. We will continue to wage a relentless war to protect workers interest and their gains in all sectors we organise.”
NEHAWU said its other ‘victory’ was at the National Parliament and Provincial Legislatures excluding the Western Cape, where the union, through its National Bargaining Forum [NBF], has been engaged in negotiations on substantive issues from June 2020.
“We are elated to announce that on 14 October 2020 we concluded the negotiations which have seen our members’ and workers’ conditions of employment being improved.
“A 6.5% salary increase for all our members and workers in the bargaining unit at National Parliament and all Legislatures excluding the Western Cape will be paid and backdated with effect from the 1st April 2020.
“The minimum housing subsidy/rental allowance and medical aid allowance shall be increased by 6.5% each in the 2020/2021 financial year and shall also be backdated from the 1st April 2020.
“Parties further agreed that the outstanding matters relating to harmonisation of conditions of service and benefits scheme shall be prioritised and fast-tracked for finalization and this process shall commence on the 30th November 2020.”