Education reform through AIM : we have three textbooks Our land, our Air and our Water how to use these to change human lives for better. Use education to Create, Utilize and Preserve the natural habitat. Educational reform-teach people more about themselves than about other people.. change academic curriculum -to study your land, water, air and it’s resources.
AIM to educate people and connect them to their potential and their resources. This education is practical and profitable the intention is to produce an industry of human capital rather a market of slaves and employees.
Two type of learning platforms
- The formal institutions – registration and pursuit of a profession. Study through a set curriculum – the study must combine practical skills (hard skills) and soft to prepare the student for real life.
- The informal Institutions -born into learning. the transfer of knowledge from birth to death. This is a continuous learning platform of human interaction -learn from other people as they learn from you. Constant interaction with human life and shared experiences in solutions finding to better individual, family, community and the continent.
Methodology : Create institutions where the student register with a problem statement. The student must walk the width and breath of their community and identify a problem and then create a problem statement. Identify an institution which will assist to solve that problem. Institutions must specialize in specific fields and cross field outcomes to create a challenging multi dimensional inquiry into community solutions e.g Medicine, IT, agriculture, commerce, humanities etc how to combine these to fix a particular problem. All the term papers are resources to assist the students to see what other have done and how to improve the continent. The methodology is a carrier path of solution finding. The problem statement is brought into a debate of academics, society and peer review who will grill and sharpen the idea from various fields to the ultimate goal to assist the student establish a business.
Practical Application:
The student graduates into an IP (intellectual property) space which activates the banking, development funds, investment (this is real small business development. The state instruments come into the hands of cooperatives and individuals who for 12 years have been prepared to handle and deliver service for profit.
Content and context of study:
The three stones (Individual, Family and Community) form the basic foundation of all study. Finding Afrikan Identity, individual knowledge of self, building families and cohesion of society. The informal education must be put into text (write down oral tradition) by the student as a bridge into formal education.
All subject must be adapted to indigenous knowledge systems- the idea is to bench mark the western education with our education. Indigenous Health systems must precede western systems, medicine- to take Afrikan herbs and create new drugs. Take Afrikan fashion into mainstream fashion and schools and governments to be the customers of the produce of their own students.
The intention:
- To reduce dependency on imported goods, as we build a web-economy amongst our Afrikan citizens-circulate services and finances within communities.
- To build self sustainable communities
- To use local capital and resources to solve community problems profitably
- To maximize and assert our youth to pride in their communities and not ran away from their families.
When communities businesses are patronized by indigenous people it brings stability and ethical partnerships with external investors. The investor must invest on the terms of the Indigenous not the opposite. Education is a tool in the hands to understand the past, change the present and shape the future through, AIM we call for education reform throughout the continent.
The graduation:
The present graduation system is lacking the practical application side which responds to employment instead of creating employment we graduate employees. The classroom becomes a worst shop for the ideas of youthful solutions. Afrika is rich with youth which is our unlimited profitable resources well directed there is no limit to productivity, energy and industry. The well balanced educated and practical youth are the solution to Afrikan problems.
Resources :
The senior citizens of the communities must be viewed as libraries and the youth must keep them busy for inquiry and interviews to draw from grey hair the ways of the past. Respect and honor must be given where it is due – and once the old people are viewed as such their place and use is secured in their community rather than look at them as witches. They can also be retained for advisory roles as new brands are being created.
I am the watcher from the future living with you in the present with solutions from the past.
Farmers of Thought
Maponga Yashua iii Mara-rah
KPP Svosve Dynasty Dzimbabgwe ChangaMbire
ZIM (Zimbabwe Indigenous Movement)
AIM (Afrikan Indigenous Movement)
We are the solution!
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of Mzansi Agriculture Talk or its members.