A chemical spillage over the weekend into Msunduzi River in Kwazulu-Natal has caused immense concern among the livestock farmers in the area.
The spillage has already caused the death of fish in the river. Local farmers said they too, have lost cattle to the poisoned water.
The Department of Water and Sanitation in Kwaz-Zulu Natal is still investigating the cause of the spillage. A Task Team consisting of EDTEA, DWS, Umgeni Water and Msunduzi Municipality was set-up to find a quick resolve.
According to official reports, a meeting was set-up on 15 August 2019 with the outcome reasserting that a “structural collapse of two (2) tanks – one containing fatty acid, and the other tank containing caustic lime crushed the crude oil pipe, resulting in the leakage of crude oil into the water resource”.
Local farming associations raised concerns on the impact this spillage may have on their livestock as most depended on this commodity for survival. They said government needed to move in to take action against those responsible for the spillage.